
Biologicals without refrigeration

It is estimated that more than 50% of vaccines worldwide are wasted, largely due to failures in cold chain transport and storage.

World Health Organisation

Our Technology

Our novel ensilication technology exploits the growth of protective silica nanoshells on the surface of biological components, to prevent degradation, which can lead to spoilage.

Once applied, our products can be stored and transported without the need for cold chain infrastructure, preventing wastage, improving shelf-life and increasing the accessibility of biological therapeutics and diagnostics globally.

Unlike other stabilisation technologies, our technology does not rely on lyophilisation or any harsh conditions. This makes it ideal for the preservation of delicate biologicals.



Our Ensilication technology can be applied to protect a wide variety of biomolecules against environmental degradation, eliminating the cold chain requirements for therapeutic and diagnostic biologicals used in humans, animals, as well as laboratory research.

If you have a specific application or biological in mind, please get in touch and we can discuss the potential of ensilication.

Therapeutic and Diagnostic Antibodies

Vaccines including subunit, viral and virus like, bacterial, and others

Anti-microbial Resistance

Genetic Material

Probiotics and additives


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Get in Touch

We are actively looking for partners to work with us in developing new technologies free from the reliance on the cold chain. If you're interested in finding out more, get in touch below.